iBookfishing is an online booking service for managing fisheries, fishing clubs and sales of fishing permits and fishing club membership. Established over 11 years |Flexible and Feature rich with full detailed reporting. Contact us for no obligation online demo.


Lune Rivers Trust Fishing

The Lune Rivers Trust is a charity dedicated to the conservation, protection, rehabilitation and improvement of the River Lune throughout its whole length and its associated tributaries in Cumbria, Yorkshire and North Lancashire. Our aim is to protect and improve the riverine habitat to encourage the biodiversity of the River Lune and its tributaries. They manage three fishing beats on the lower River Lune near Lancaster which offer excellent value salmon, sea trout, brown trout and coarse fishing. Halton Lower Beat Fishing Permit Halton Lower beat has three main holding pools which all fish the fly well. There are eight rods available daily. Left bank – from Denny Beck upstream to a point 50yds below forge weir. Fly only, except when the water level is over 15 inches on the gauge at Halton Toll Bridge, and then [...]

Lune Rivers Trust Fishing2020-06-12T15:24:57+00:00

Lancaster & District Angling Association Day Permits

We are delighted to welcome LDAA as a user of iBookfishing. They use the iBook service to sell day permits for their Salmon, sea trout and brown trout fishing beat of the Lune. The system also keeps them up to date with all visitors on their waters. Lancaster and District Angling Association has been established for over 100 years and manage a five mile stretch of the river Lune with good salmon, sea trout and brown trout fishing. They provide reasonably priced fishing for visiting anglers @ £20 per rod, per day up to 1 Sept then £30. Buy your LDAA permit from the calendar below (choose the day required) or visit https://ldaa.fish to find out more and purchase from their website.   Current River levels at Caton on the River Lune Note: The time shown is [...]

Lancaster & District Angling Association Day Permits2021-11-15T10:35:23+00:00

Portsmouth Services Fly Fishing Association

The Portsmouth Services Fly Fishing Association was formed in 1949 as a non-profit organisation, managed and run entirely by volunteers, to provide serving and retired members of all the Armed Forces, including their reserves, with reasonably-priced fly fishing on two of the finest chalk streams in Hampshire. That objective still remains to the present day, with the Association actively supporting conservation and charitable projects that complement the original aims. Quote from PSFFA: In 2017, the Portsmouth Services Fly Fishing Association (PSFFA) decided to update their website (www.psffa.org) to have not only a public section, but also a Member’s Only section that would incorporate a beat booking system, enabling Members to easily see which of our 14 beats were available and allow Members book a beat and receive confirmation instantly from a variety of platforms. After an extensive [...]

Portsmouth Services Fly Fishing Association2021-11-10T21:45:47+00:00

How iBookfishing Can Work For Fishing Clubs

iBookfishing is ideal for fishing clubs because it does the work of issuing permits and telling the members what is available and what isn't. Those nightmare phone calls and emails will be reduced to a trickle. You can even ask it to limit the number of permits a person can book and/or stop them booking too far in advance of the fishing. (stopping those greedy blighters!)iBookfishing can limit the days (or hours) a member can fish on Club waters per week, month or year - per lake/river or the club as a whole. You can report on Club water usage and discover, as one club did, that no one fished one stretch they were paying for! Permits and maps, rules and other documentation are emailed automatically and even emails for catch returns can be sent automatically after [...]

How iBookfishing Can Work For Fishing Clubs2023-01-11T11:52:02+00:00

Sussex Piscatorial Society

The Sussex Piscatorial Society is the premier fishing Society in the South of England. Formed in 1891, it is also one of the oldest fishing societies in continued existence in the world. The Society currently has a combined total of 71 acres of lakes and approximately 21.5 miles of rivers to fish all in stunning settings and offering uncrowded fishing for those discerning fishermen who value conservation, care of the environment and respect for their fellow fishermen and their quarry. They use ibookfishing on their web site "members-only" page to allow their members to book 40 different permits saving many phone calls and much paper work! They offer salmon, chalkstream trout, carp and coarse fishing from rivers and lakes. From Bob Burbidge the booking administrator: "Sussex Piscatorial Society has hundreds of members and manages over 25 lakes and [...]

Sussex Piscatorial Society2018-01-18T11:22:56+00:00
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